Pay based on Position, Person and Performance
Of late, a challenge is being seen in organisations to pursue a model to compensate their employees in such a way that motivates them, as well as does not impact their profitability. In the same context, I tried simplifying all related concepts, here. Industrialisation brought in the challenge of how and what to be paid to workers being employed to undertake certain jobs. These jobs primarily were having tasks which were repetitive in nature and therefore, once a skill was developed, more or less all workers were equal in their performance. This sowed the seed of Pay for Position or Job based Pay , whereby based on the knowledge and skill, a person was having and were being utilised by him to perform to achieve certain pre-determined level of performance, equal wages were paid. This led to a model that focused on compensation tiers tied to job titles. In a way, additional levels of responsibility combined with senior level job titles with higher compensation are a clear path for...