11 skills successful organisations must have
11 skills successful organisations must have
CommentsA high-performing team comprises of distinctly defined roles and well-rounded collection of personality archetypes
By Rajesh Tripathi
Working with a team can be exhilarating and challenging too. In the world of business, this means that when individual roles and responsibilities aren’t well-defined, individuals get testy, the team dynamics go haywire and the project suffers as a result.
Popular theories say a high-performing team comprises of distinctly defined roles and well-rounded collection of personality archetypes.
Here’s a guide to 11 personality types that forms a successful team:
1. An expert: Expertise is the one skill a team cannot do without. Every new team needs at least one genius to get off the ground.This is the person that possesses intimate knowledge in a field that your project encompasses. This person gets down to business and accomplishes tasks.
2. A leader: This person is responsible for mediating conflicts, facilitating communications between team members, and keeping everyone on course. The leader will schedule and guide the course of meetings but that doesn’t mean being the only speaker or leading all meetings. A good leader sets appropriate standards of behaviour, knows how to delegate and let go of the reins and provides members with development opportunities and coaching.
3. The researcher: The researcher is always asking questions and then finding answers. If you need more information to complete your project, it’s important to have a strong researcher who can get it for you. Their special talent is that they ask the overlooked questions that can avert a future impediment. This natural private eye knows the quickest way to the best resources and is the person everyone goes to with the most puzzling questions.
4. The planner: Planners are naturally self-motivated. They’re also driven to organise processes and give order to the world around them (good news for others working in their orbit). Rather than being people-pleasers, they’re more dedicated to making decisions for the good of the project over winning a popularity contest. Trust that their skills will deliver the project in the estimated period of time. Natural planners love lists, charts, and calendars. They’re punctual, able to see the curve in the road (and incoming curve balls) and often have strategies for improving a process or increasing team efficiency.
5. The communicator: It talks about natural communicators, not just the talkative ones but individuals who are naturally inclined to reach out to others and share information with the entire team. Communicators are also good at persuading just about anyone to jump on board and give the team the help it needs. Your communicator might be the person with the longest list of contacts, and knows someone for just about anything you need.
6. The connector: Shows respect for the views and contributions of other team members, shows empathy, listens, supports and cares for others, consults others and shares information and expertise with them, builds team spirit and reconciles conflict, adapts to the team and fits in well.
7. The networker: This member easily establishes good relationship internally and externally, relates well to people at all levels, builds wide and effective networks of contacts and uses humour appropriately to bring warmth to relationships with others.
8. The visionary: This member is able to see the big picture and then develop the plan on how to get there. The person understands the need for meaning and purpose in followers, and uses that need to inspire followers to achieve more and to build better futures. Followers feel motivated by the vision and often feel a sense of solidarity within the group because of the common cause.
9. The creative: These members have a tendency to get caught up in their world of imagination, problem solving, and conceptualising. They might not always be the clearest communicators, diplomats or deadline-makers, but pair them with a savvy planner and you could almost spin gold! Every team benefits from a creative thinker in the group, someone who can deliver fresh ideas and solutions that let the team’s work stand out from the crowd.
10. Commercial acumen: This member keeps up to date with competitor information and trends, identifies business opportunities for the organisation, maintains awareness of developments in the organisational structure, demonstrates financial awareness, controls costs and thinks in terms of profit, loss and added value.
11. The flexible – A flexible team member can consider different points of views and compromise when needed. He or she doesn’t hold rigidly to a point of view and argue it to death, especially when the team needs to move forward to make a decision or get something done. Strong team players are firm yet open to what others have to offer — flexibility at its best.
The author is vice-president and head corporate HR at GHCL
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