People Pay for Satisfactory Responses to perceived Problems or Opportunities
customers and various products together give a complex matrix to deal with by
selling people to change and fine-tune their selling behaviour. This is the
catch generally being faced by organisations & fail to understand their
falling sales. Distinctions in selling behaviour therefore is of paramount
importance to understand to succeed in selling.
In a
research done by McKinsey on more than 1200 managers who were ‘Purchasing
Decision Makers’, a big gap was found in what managers ‘said’ was important ,
generally it was price and product features and what actually drove their
decisions about vendors.
study clearly identified that the Attitude Scales & Responses thereon do
not come out to be positively effecting buying decision. It means, factors like
Eco-friendly products, green products although being talked about a lot, but
study shows that in reality, such attitude does not influence positively buying
factor which came out of the McKinsey study is that ‘not having adequate
product knowledge and contacting customers too frequently by a sales person’
undermines selling. The study clearly come out on that customers look for fewer
but more meaningful interactions.
short, it can be said that ‘People pay for satisfactory responses to
perceived problems or opportunities.’ Eg. Theodore Levitt said, people
don’t buy 2 inches drill bits but 2 inches hole. Levitt has said that
Organisations are infected with ‘Marketing Myopia’ i.e. focussing on product
features than benefits. He said that marketing myopia makes organisations fail
to understand - Market Scope, Product Substitutes and Customer motivations
to buy or not. He said, customers
‘hire’ products to get their jobs done.
therefore can be concluded that organisation should have a product or service
with benefits, relevant to customer. A clear distinction between features and
MARKETING STRATEGY should focus on driving relative importance of FEATURES and
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