Talent, a very often heard and invariably mentioned word in all speeches of any and every MD or CEO of all size organisations, has got many ‘contextual’ references & meanings. But, to my understanding, every reference has a different definition. Debatable point?

It seems that all these contextual references are being made to lay down individualistic definition of the word by successful to not-so-successful CEOs.  Making my point more specific; if one ‘has’ it, he talks and emphasizes more about it and if not, then it is all ‘useless’ things which cannot be proved, hence, rubbishes the very fact. A very ‘human tendency’. A tendency which gets strengthen further when you see around ‘ non-talented’ employees getting better placements in an organisation because of various explainable to unexplainable reasons. Therefore, when I come across articles or research about shortage of Talent in India – a country of 1.2 billion populations, it becomes very difficult for me to digest.

To me it is not shortage, but human biases not to promote ‘Talent’. Reasons for it could be countless and debatable.

I again came across very recently published report which re-emphasized repetitively mentioned fact of focusing on “Developing Leadership Skills for the next phase of growth in a knowledge based economy like India’. The report says that leadership skill shortage is biggest “Productivity Challenge” in India and some other countries.  I although do not agree with this finding as I feel, the day CEOs become unbiased to spot talent and take enough pain to develop them, this will disappear entirely. 

One other important factor which has cropped up in this report is that Innovation will help generation of new jobs in sectors relying on science & technology. Undoubtedly, this will make job seekers happy.

A very apt differentiation has been made among various types of organisations based on growth trajectory in this report. These are:
-          Exponential Growth oriented Companies
-          Companies which could not sustain their initial fast growth
-          Companies with sluggish growth

Report has revealed other certain factors which need immediate attention of India Inc, like
1.   Need of matching the right talent with right jobs. A need which can only be dealt with by CEOs & Board of Directors to make companies sustainably successful, and not by overlooking weaknesses of ‘un-talent”. Let CEOs be unbiased while promoting “Employees”- there is no shortage of Talent!!! Even this report supports my view, although indirectly. The report says that there is significant increase in successful ‘start-ups’ in the country. No marks on assuming that this success is being achieved by Talent- profusely available in our country. One needs conviction to look at & nurture it.
2.   Building ‘Diversity & Flexibility” – yes important for equal societal growth, well represented by men and women.
3.   Creating a culture which should attract, develop and empower “real’ talent.
4.   ‘Loyalty’ is another factor which is very low in India. Factors are known but overlooked.
5.   Inclusiveness in building a strong Talent pipeline.


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